Author: Sam Weller

Conans corner

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers.  Assume you all enjoyed my Valentine’s Day poem, it took a lot of thought (nearly interrupted valuable eating time).  Just call me the resident Catanova!  Haha, geddit?

Gypsy and I have been on a break; she was moved to her own pen for a while to give me some breathing space as I cannot cope with the mood swings.  Is this what marriage is like for you humans?  I have never been so glad to be a cat!

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Conans corner

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers – well, it’s been pretty hot, hasn’t it? No movements from me unless there is a treat involved but even then I don’t let people get too close. I gave Sam a swipe in the week in return for a treat – it’s that double-edged sword, I want the treat but I don’t want the people near me to give the treat!  Maybe a vending machine might be in order – it would have to be free as I don’t get any pocket money ….

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Conans corner

Conan’s Corner

My cat cafe and open day went extremely well the other weekend, my merchandise flew off the shelves and Bomber Command now needs to make some more due to the extremely high demand – which of course I wasn’t surprised about. Naturally, I was going to be popular! The staff just stood around and ate cake as far as I could tell … I was given a cat nip stick, probably just to keep me quiet but it was a lovely stick fresh out of the packet so I had a wonderful time rolling with it – I think photos were taken but I was too blissed out to actually care at the time. Naturally, it was only for medicinal purposes … don’t get me wrong, I am not addicted to the things. At all. In the slightest. And I stand by that statement.

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Conans corner

Conan’s Corner

Happy New Year to all my fans! Naturally no resolutions from me for tomorrow as this year I have been fabulous and next year I shall continue to be so. In fact, I have been reflecting on my many achievements and successes in 2022 before I got too tired with all the brain power. Personally I think there should be a resolution made for me to have more food in 2023 – after all, I am fading away due to lack of nourishment here.

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