Conans corner

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers – well, it’s been pretty hot, hasn’t it? No movements from me unless there is a treat involved but even then I don’t let people get too close. I gave Sam a swipe in the week in return for a treat – it’s that double-edged sword, I want the treat but I don’t want the people near me to give the treat!  Maybe a vending machine might be in order – it would have to be free as I don’t get any pocket money ….
I have decided to elevate myself to management now so I can work alongside Bomber Command. From my position on the cat tree, I can see everything anyway so am in a perfect place to advise the staff what they are doing is wrong (so many, MANY times). I consider myself a consultant if truth be told – a rung above the others from where I can bestow wisdom and advice – I really don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier, all that wasted time when I could have been even more superior and I missed it!
In July both Blue and Inky went to new homes as did Charly and Jelly, I miss all those boys, they were all good fun but if that’s what they all wanted (and they assure me they did), then good luck to them. Which brings me to my usual complaint at this time of year – we have TOO MANY KITTENS! We did a tot up the other day and there are over 30 who need homes. So, listen to me, my consultant’s advice is to adopt them sharpish. There is no space here for them and their constant squeaking and playing, it just drives me to distraction – so if you want to do anything good this year, take advice from somebody who knows – and ADOPT!
Although I noticed the lovely Carla has arrived – she’s very, very pretty so I keep trying to get a closer look but she’s tucked away in Pen 1 for now which is the furthest from me – I am sure people do these things on purpose – I mean, I do need some eye candy in my life, I might be old but there is life in the old cat yet … although nothing has worked for years!
With any luck August might be a bit cooler and we might not all be quite so grumpy and it’s SO tiring doing nothing in the heat. We sit and watch the staff rush around and drip water (their own, not from the sink) everywhere whilst I supervise tray cleaning and biscuit rations. We are a 5* deluxe shelter and we need to maintain those standards.
No problem page this month because we have our own problems with all the kittens around – so I suppose the choices are either more foster families or more adopters (preferably both of course) to make my life much easier – c’mon people ….
Until next time lovely people – love and paws, Conan x
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Sam Weller

Middle aged mad cat woman - slave of 4 rescue babies
