What we do

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At APROP we are passionate about helping abandoned, sick, starving or mistreated cats and dogs in the Pego area.  Our mission is to rehabilitate and rehome as many of these animals as possible into long term, loving homes.

We have a no kill policy.  All of the animals in our care are treated with respect and compassion and, if necessary, will be supported and looked after for the full extent of their natural lives.

We have facilities at our shelter in Pego to house up to 30-40 dogs and 30-40 cats.  We also have private individuals who volunteer to offer short and long term fostering for some cats and dogs, kittens and puppies.  These are animals that are safer or need more intensive care or socialisation than can be provided for them in the shelter.

APROP also cares for a small colony of feral cats that live outside our shelter.  Every year we help people who care for local colonies of feral cats to help capture and sterilise them.  This is done with the support of the local vets and the Pego Ayuntamiento who provide funding for this.

Whilst we don’t have the resources to do external rescues ourselves, we do liaise with the local police and other charity rescue organisations.  We will help where we can with dogs and cats that need capturing and will offer them shelter at the Protectora for assessment and, hopefully, eventual rehoming.

We work with three local vet businesses in Pego and Javea.  All animals that come into the Protectora are vet checked and treated where appropriate.  All dogs and cats are deparasitised, blood tested, vaccinated and sterilised (apart from kittens and puppies that are too young for this treatment).

Education is important to us and we also liaise with local schools to teach the next generation about respecting and caring for animals.

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