Sponsor a dog today!

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We are grateful you are here, finding out how you can improve the life of an APROP animal through our Sponsorship Program.

The luckier animals that come to APROP find forever homes within a few weeks or months of entering.  There are however, many dogs that through no fault of their own become long-term residents, either at the shelter or in loving foster homes.  These are typically older animals, those with health issues or sometimes behavioural issues that mean it is unlikely they will be adopted.  

The average costs for us to keep a dog in its first year is €655.  For our dogs available for sponsorship, we continue to cover the costs for them on an indefinite basis.  That is where your gift of sponsorship comes in to help us help them!

We are pleased to offer three different sponsorship options for our precious animals, so you can choose which one feels right for you.


This entry level option will cover some of the basic food costs for the dog you choose to support. It might be our basic level, but your support will make a big difference to us!


This mid- level option will cover most of the food costs for the dog you choose to support. It will also cover the parasite treatment we give to all our residents. What a great gift to help cover all the basic needs of an animal.


This deluxe option will cover all of the food costs for the dog you choose to support. It will also cover the annual parasite treatment we give to all our residents. In addition it will considerably help towards paying any medical costs our animals with health issues have.  This is a very generous donation to any animal in our care.

As a sponsor you will receive a beautiful certificate with a photo of your chosen animal, which you can proudly display! You will also receive a regular update on how your sponsored animal is getting on … because they will be so grateful for your help!

Now all you need to do is choose a dog to sponsor! See below which of our precious dogs are currently available to be sponsored.

Please note: When you choose to sponsor, if you are already a registered Member on this website, you should please log in and you will be directed straight to a payment page.

If you are not already registered as a Member on this website, when you click “signup” to sponsor you will be directed to the member registration form and must register first before being able to sponsor.

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