
2020 was a much quieter year than normal because of Covid, but we still had 97 cats that passed through the APROP cat shelter; 58 of which were found new permanent homes.

Many kittens are left outside the shelter every year or are found alone and are handed in. Some of these arrive unhealthy, malnourished, dirty, infected and covered in fleas. As well as the health issues many of these kittens face, they are often not well socialised. This makes it much harder for us to care for them. They also need socialising before they can be offered for adoption.

Adult cats arrive sometimes arrive because they have been found wandering or lost, or they are handed in because their owner has died and they have nobody to take them in, or they are just left on the street because their owners just don’t want them any more. Sadly, very few adult cats who arrive at the shelter are ever claimed. And most of the cats who arrive are not sterilised.

Most cats and kittens, given the right treatment, care and attention, will recover from the traumas of their previous lives and can go on to live happy and healthy lives, many in new adoptive homes or permanent foster care. Some cats for health or behavioural reasons may find their stay with us longer than others, and sometimes even permanent. In these cases we will continue to look after them and give them the best quality of life we can in the shelter environment.

The best thing you can do is give a home to one of our cats…or maybe two…

If this is not an option for you, then perhaps you can sponsor one of our permanent residents.

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