Conans corner

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers – October has been a bit wet around Aprop; it made my fur curl a bit and I couldn’t do a thing with it! Maybe somebody should invent Argan oil conditioner for cats? The orange pickers have also been out in force so it’s given us all something to watch in between eating and sleeping.
So, what’s been happening here? One of my friends, Tommy, got himself adopted and has gone to live in Denia with a great view of the port – all that coming and going and activity all the time, he will be fascinated by it all. Hope his new mum has lots of snacks, he’s very partial. Also Chica has gone on a trial run to a new home but already seems to have settled in really well and they love her a lot.
You all know the sad news about Smokey – which is why more cats need adopting. They are not all as robust as me, let’s face it I have lived here for many years and I have outstayed and outlasted many cats (and quite a few volunteers) so my innards must be industrial-strength. Us patriarchs are made of strong stuff. Gypsy must terrify germs, one look at her and they do a major swerve …
I gather there was another vacancy in that there Engerland – this time for a Prime Minister – if I cannot be King then I would make a fabulous PM. And I gather the PM has more power than the King really as he’s not meant to get involved in much apart from cutting ribbons and knighting people. The new chap is nearly as small as I am from what I can tell and I hope he changes the decor – all those bright colours would give me a total headache – I’d make the old soft furnishings into padding for my litter tray …
Between us, I have a very exciting week coming up – I am having visitors! Miss Lesley and Miss Fiona are both lucky enough to be blessed with an audience with me. Naturally I cannot guarantee what mood I will be in (depends on the day of course) but doubtless they will enjoy it hugely. I will remember not to gulp down my breakfast quickly although surely my vomit could be a badge of honour?
That funny thing with the hour changing takes place this weekend I think which means breakfast will be late – at my age, my digestive system needs routine, you know what I’m saying here. So I hope Miss Liz will be early on Sunday …
Until next time, lovely people – love and paws Conan x
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Sam Weller

Middle aged mad cat woman - slave of 4 rescue babies
