Conans corner

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers, apologies for my column’s delay but I am happy to let you all know that my life is currently pretty marvellous in the smaller of the garden pens despite earlier misgivings and hence my grumpy introspection has decreased a notch as a result – Claude and I have bonded over our shared love of catnip – he had never had it before but now is equally obsessed with the stuff, it’s magic!  I have requested we have it every day but am yet to hear back from the authorities.  I might have to proposition Bomber Command on the subject.
I have felt so chilled that I have posed for a nice photo – for Miss Lesley, my sponsor, of course.  But if you’re lucky, it might be posted on the Sunday round up message so you can all print it off – poster size naturally – all the easier to admire my gorgeousness.
Claude and I spend time each morning watching the pesky kittens running up and down the corridor – they just run up and down … up and down …  am not sure what their purpose is but it’s like watching a tennis match!  Smashing chap is Claude, although I don’t want to be too nice about him in case he gets adopted as a result – and then I might miss him.  My office has moved successfully and I have this great perch to doze on – its underneath Gypsy so there have been a few close calls (you know what I’m saying here) but, in general, it’s lovely and peaceful and I can sneer at Felix from a safe distance without fear of reprisals.  I know I keep saying this but somebody come adopt Felix please!  Ideally he needs a house in the campo which he can patrol to his hearts content and be Top Cat …
I’ve also made acquaintance with Charly and Jelly in the next door pen – they are great boys as well – we can’t understand how they have been overlooked quite frankly … friendly lap cats who like everybody (ha, all things I am not but I wear that badge with pride!)
I know Sam has advertised more of the pesky kittens for adoption, come ON people – there are still too many!  I don’t want an over-crowded garden either so we need them into homes before they get a chance to come back here and encroach on my er, I mean our space … we don’t have the resources to build an extension either (well if I can’t have my en-suite, nor can anybody else).
Until next time, lovely people – love and paws Conan x
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Sam Weller

Middle aged mad cat woman - slave of 4 rescue babies
