Conans corner

Conan’s Corner

Happy New Year to all my fans! Naturally no resolutions from me for tomorrow as this year I have been fabulous and next year I shall continue to be so. In fact, I have been reflecting on my many achievements and successes in 2022 before I got too tired with all the brain power. Personally I think there should be a resolution made for me to have more food in 2023 – after all, I am fading away due to lack of nourishment here.
However, there are three important points which I need to get across for 2023. I have done a poll with the staff and residents and the results are thus …
  1. The staff need more staff to help out
  2. The residents need more people to adopt them
  3. We all need to ensure you spay or neuter your cats!
The staff are making resolutions to get more cats adopted or fostered next year than this year – can you help them? It’s very easy, all you need is a house, a lap, some food as the basics. Of course somebody also needs to be there a lot of the time so the cat doesn’t get too lonely, this is very important. Unless you want to adopt two cats of course, that makes it much easier.
So, I never saw the mouse called Chris in the end so maybe he missed our shelter but the staff were all cheerful, wore silly hats and laughed a lot. No tuna was forthcoming although we all enjoyed breakfast and I’m sure there were extra biscuits as well. Or was that just a dream I had?
Make sure you all check in on Cats of Aprop FB page tomorrow as I think there is some special and important news from Mr Dave … personally I can’t wait as I’m sure it will be extra exciting (ok, Sam paid me to say that as I’m not interested in anything apart from food and sleep).
Until next time lovely people – love and paws, Conan x
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Sam Weller

Middle aged mad cat woman - slave of 4 rescue babies
