Conans corner

Conan’s Corner

Hello dear readers, back to regular column duties now that the Day of the Mouse called Chris is over for a while (I still don’t understand it all though). It’s been very cold though and I have fluffed up into sheer magnificence.
As you have noticed, Sam purchased me some more catnip sticks (and not before time, frankly, I have been without for a while) although she refers to it as my ‘Cat Crack’ which sounds a bit disparaging. It just smells nice and makes me feel all lovely and whoozy and even Gypsy is my friend (which shows you how strong this stuff must be). It puts me in a mellow mood, regardless of what my face says – inside I am channelling Bob Dylan (or at least George Harrison during his sitar-playing days).
However, back to shelter life, January wasn’t bad for adoptions and even Blondie got herself a new home! She’s never shown a vast amount of interest in any people, preferring us cats in general (as she should) but when it’s love, you can’t fight it. She was reluctant to leave but has since been in contact with Mr Dave saying that it’s all pretty good and her worries were needless. Lots of things to lie and climb on which is her favourite. And she has a heated cat bed – I need one of those in my life!
And, exciting news, I am now becoming what is called an ‘Agony Aunt’ – if you have a problem, let me know and I will help solve it. Just another string to my Humanitarian Cat bow. My first letter comes from ‘Katie from Calpe’ in which she says that her husband doesn’t like their new cat and what can she do? My advice, Katie, is of course ditch the husband! You can’t be with somebody who doesn’t like cats, where’s your brain woman?? In fact, as well as getting shot of the husband, get a second cat – your life will be significantly improved, you’ll be warmer in bed and then you can leave them as company for each other whilst you find a man who does like cats. In fact, join Aprop and you will definitely meet people who like cats. You know it makes sense.
So send your problems to me at Aprop (via Sam, she needs to be more useful), explain your dilemma and I will then dispense my advice by way of this column each month.
Until next time lovely people, love and paws Conan xx
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Sam Weller

Middle aged mad cat woman - slave of 4 rescue babies
