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Conan’s Corner

Views and ramblings from APROP’s chief cat, Conan

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers.  Assume you all enjoyed my Valentine's Day poem, it took a lot of thought (nearly interrupted valuable eating time).  Just call me the resident Catanova!  Haha, geddit? Gypsy and I have been on a break; she was moved to her own pen for a while to give...

Conan’s Corner

April has been very eventful. Mr Dave set off on his stroll with Mrs Dave and they must be around halfway through I think at the moment. I also had a visit from one of my best friends from Engerland, Miss Lesley. She bought treats...

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers - I gather the mouse called Chris is coming soon - really, again? It only seems five minutes since it was last here! Before Bomber Command and staff came, the mouse was never here so it must be a new thing?...

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers - well, it's been pretty hot, hasn't it? No movements from me unless there is a treat involved but even then I don't let people get too close. I gave Sam a swipe in the week in return for a treat - it's that double-edged sword...

Conan’s Corner

My cat cafe and open day went extremely well the other weekend, my merchandise flew off the shelves and Bomber Command now needs to make some more due to the extremely high demand - which of course I wasn't surprised about. Naturally, I was going to be popular! The staff...

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers - so, another month has passed here at APROP Protectora d'animals de Pego. Luckily it's been warmer recently and no need for mass cushion sharing although, naturally, I am willing to let others share mine if they need a chat or just to have a quick...

Conan’s Corner

Hello dear readers, back to regular column duties now that the Day of the Mouse called Chris is over for a while (I still don't understand it all though). It's been very cold though and I have fluffed up into sheer magnificence...

Conan’s Corner

Happy New Year to all my fans! Naturally no resolutions from me for tomorrow as this year I have been fabulous and next year I shall continue to be so. In fact, I have been reflecting on my many achievements and successes in 2022 before I got too tired with...

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers, another chance for you all to worship at the Conan altar. You know you love it really.   Somebody, who shall remain nameless, actually said to me the other week that I had a God complex. Let me tell you something - I do NOT have a God...

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers - October has been a bit wet around Aprop; it made my fur curl a bit and I couldn't do a thing with it! Maybe somebody should invent Argan oil conditioner for cats? The orange pickers have also been out in force so it's given us...

Conan’s Corner

Well finally my Facebook account is live - always excuses why it wasn't actioned earlier, so I had to threaten a hunger strike to get things moving.  I managed to last 20 whole minutes.  Anyway, I have a lot of new friends as a result and I am getting a new blanket made especially...

Conan’s Corner

Most importantly, I have news about me (the only news that really matters). My sponsor, Miss Lesley, is coming over to visit me in November, all the way from Engerland. It's quite exciting and am already wondering what type of grunt, snarl, sneeze or hiss I should bestow on her...

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers. Conan here to round off the month in completely marvellous and fur-fabulous tabby and white style. It's STILL hot - why can't they DO something about this? My paws are worn down writing to HR and I am still ignored. My life is just so unfair. We have...

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers - isn't it hot?  I've asked Human Resources if they can turn the heat down for a bit each day but it doesn't seem to be possible - honestly, it's just a simple request and personally I don't feel it's too much to ask.  I don't...

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers.   The sun is out, it's really hot very early this year and I am shedding fur at an alarming rate!  Not that I let anybody brush me of course but it seems to fall off me naturally and gives the staff more work to do, sweeping...

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers.   Unfortunately PKS has started now (Pesky Kitten Season).  I was hoping to avoid it this year but no such luck ... sigh ... I did assume Bomber Command sent out my memo saying no more kittens - maybe I need to check with her. We also have...

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers.   I do NOT appreciate all this rain, it spoils my fur and I can't do a thing with it. So what's been happening this month I hear you ask - well I will tell you - Tina and Casper got adopted which was good for them.  Felix...

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers.  Assume you all enjoyed my Valentine's Day poem, it took a lot of thought (nearly interrupted valuable eating time).  Just call me the resident Catanova!  Haha, geddit? Gypsy and I have been on a break; she was moved to her own pen for a while to give...

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers - it's all a bit chilly at HQ but luckily we have warm boxes and most of my er, I mean our, fur is currently looking magnificent in its fluffiness and fullness! So, what has been happening in January I hear you ask?  Well I will tell...

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers and a Happy New Year to all my fans.  As I have made very clear, there are no new year resolutions from me - perfection cannot be improved upon so I don't intend to waste the energy and I will be as fabulous as every other...

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers - your friendly bard, visionary and patriarch here again. Well, you know there's a saying in England that it's "raining cats and dogs"?  I've never understood it but literally this month it has rained kittens!  Well, one kitten - Claude and I looked round one morning and...

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers, apologies for my column's delay but I am happy to let you all know that my life is currently pretty marvellous in the smaller of the garden pens despite earlier misgivings and hence my grumpy introspection has decreased a notch as a result - Claude and...

Interview with Tilly

Welcome back dear readers.  I gather my fame is spreading - Sam says I'll soon be signing auto-pawgraphs.  But then she laughed so I think she's joking - she is so rude to me at times, I must speak to Bomber Command about sacking her. Here is my interview with Tilly...

My News – and my new love interest

Welcome back dear readers.  Things are hotting up at Cat HQ, possibly to do with the weather, but we have a great sun sail now erected to protect us from heat stroke - and to stop the staff sweating, it really is a most unattractive look for them.  Cats can...

Conan’s Corner

Conan's thoughts on castles, underfloor heating, kittens and his sponsor...

Shelter Update and Interview with Sam

Welcome back dear readers.  Here's my interview with Sam. Kittens continue to arrive thick and fast so please let Bomber Command (aka Chris Thorpe) know if you can help us out with adopting or fostering.  Honestly they make so much NOISE if they are near me...

Garden Improvements

Welcome back dear readers.  It's been such a traumatic week, I cannot tell you.  Therapy might even be required. Firstly I had the indignity of being chased out of my garden - yes I know!  Apparently it's going to be tiled to make cleaning easier.  Therefore we had to vacate and...

New Arrivals and Cushion Update

Welcome back dear readers.  Apologies this column is slightly late, Sam has been in the UK seeing her mum (I know - who could possibly be more important than me, but apparently, she is ...).  I've had to dictate this over the phone which is hard when you have no...

Adoptions and Public Information Broadcat

Welcome back dear readers - thank you for all the concern over my heartbreak.  I saw a photo of Silver with her new human and I had to admit she looked very happy.  Maybe she'll write?...

Adoptions Update and Personal Heartbreak

Welcome back dear readers ... to the wonderful world of Conan (ok, and others) Well, what a trauma this week has been!  I have gone from grumpy introspection (my default setting), passing nimbly through rage and ending up in FURY!  Why, you might ask?  Well, I will tell you.  Somebody, who...

Teaming and New Arrivals

Welcome back dear readers, did you miss me?  Sure you did! Silver, the object of my affections, has moved nearer to me so I can admire her more closely.  Even in my courting days, I've never seen such a beautiful vision.  I'm trying to position my cushion so that I am...

Adoptions update and interview with Gypsy

Welcome back dear readers, all the news and all the views (well, my views) from Cat HQ. Nina and Peanut, our tuxedo kids, got their forever home last week, so great news for them.  Also, Tiger, who has literally been in the other garden pen a matter of days, attracted attention...

Conan’s thoughts on love

So today, of course, is St Valentine's Day so I thought I'd share my thoughts on love...

Conan’s Corner

All the weekly gossip from Conan. I am Conan, the Patriarch of Cat Aprop, like a feline Great Uncle Bulgaria if you will...
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Jerry Admin

Jerry has spent his working life improving the capabilities and effectiveness of organisations across all major business sectors, both public and private. He is proficient in a number of technical skills which he now provides to APROP. He designed and built our new new website.
