Conans corner

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers – I gather the mouse called Chris is coming soon – really, again? It only seems five minutes since it was last here! Before Bomber Command and staff came, the mouse was never here so it must be a new thing?

Everything is odd at the moment. On Sunday, breakfast was early! Staff have explained about an hour changing a couple of times a year but it just seems too silly to be believed – I mean, why would anybody do that? Not that we all didn’t appreciate the early breakfast but you humans do some really strange things …

However, that aside, I need to remind you that it’s my birthday on Thursday and I will be 13 years old. I know my Facebook details say differently but I couldn’t set up an account with the correct date as I would have needed to be 13 already – or something boring – I zoned out as Sam was explaining to me (that woman can be so dull at times!). Anyway I definitely am 13 this week. The date was negotiable as nobody knows when my actual birthday is so Sam has kindly given me her dad’s birthday as she said I am quite like him, what a compliment !! To him !!

So, speaking of birthdays, I will welcome all gifts and am not too fussy – food, nip, donations via the website (to aid purchase of food and nip) or whatever you think is suitable for a cat of my advancing years. Naturally, the purrfect gift will be adopting a cat or kitten from us so that I don’t have to look at them. Anybody fancy adopting Gypsy?

Although I think I am mellowing slightly with age – I am civil to Llima and Marmite and of course I am nice to the ladies (apart from Gypsy) and let them share my cushion sometimes. Although, with all the new climbing equipment, we can now all have our own spot in the garden which is just fantastic. I always make sure I am out of Gypsy’s reach, naturally. She is a right madam. How is a Patriarch meant to spend his days peacefully with her about?

I look forward to all your birthday greetings!

Until next time lovely people, love and paws Conan x

Please share me:

Sam Weller

Middle aged mad cat woman - slave of 4 rescue babies
