Dog Rehoming Stories

The story of Nala

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We want to show you how your donations help us to help them! You generously donated towards the care of this dog this year and this is what a difference it has made.

This is the heartwarming story of Nala, written below by her foster parents (get a tissue ready if you don’t have one to hand ;o) )

The day she was found

“This is the story of Nala, who was found in a ditch by a farmer on January 7 and he brought her to APROP crying, as her condition was extremely bad: starving, completely blind, with advanced Leishmania and very, very ill. That same evening we took her in and for the first week she slept 23 ½ hours per day, ate all her meals in her dog bed and medication was started. 

We spoiled her with tuna, salmon, chicken, duck (we jokingly said if we mention food, Nala asks for the menu) and after a week she had gained 100 grams so Adriana, the vet, decided to start her on daily injections for 30 days (glucantime). Slowly but surely she gained more weight and after those 30 days she became more active, we took her for walks in a nearby park and to the beach and she became happy. Also, we started to see Nena, an eye specialist, who prescribed several kinds of eye drops and from totally blind Nala started to see, not clearly but every week her eyesight improved slightly.

Now after more then 7 weeks, she gained more then 2 kilos, she loves attention, to play, cuddle, sunbathe and run on the beach. She still needs regular visits to Adriana to control her leishmania and Nena for trying to further improve her eyesight plus as she is so focused on us, she now needs to socialize with other dogs and humans but she is such a happy dog now, sometimes naughty but she makes us laugh a lot (one night when we were watching a Dutch talk show, Nala was also watching and when the Dutch Prime Minister started to talk Nala growled, we laughed our heads off) so we have decided to adopt her permanently. 

Many thanks to Adriana, Nena and of course APROP for their continuous support but especially we want to thank, from the bottom of our hearts, the people that donated for Nala’s recovery, without them Nala would not have made it.”

Anneke and Christian

Today, 28th February, what a transformation!

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Ruth Martin

I have been volunteering at APROP since April 2018. You will normally find me there on Tuesday mornings, helping to care for, clean and feed the dogs. In 2019 I adopted Barney, a Podenco from APROP. In fact I have taken a distinct liking to the Podencos and some call me the Pod-Mother! I am also part of the adoptions team the fundraising team and I help by fostering dogs too. Helping animals brings me much joy and happiness into my life.

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