Dog Rehoming Stories

Beethoven’s second……..interview with his furever family!

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Beethoven arrived in his new home in England at the end of April. APROP NewsHound joined Beethoven and Tim to chat about how it was all going.

Beethoven – Having known me for a few days now, what three words would you use to describe me? Tim – The three words I would describe Beethoven would be “cuddly, dopey and energetic.”
Beethoven – How was I, after my long journey from Spain? How long did it take for me to recover? Tim – You were so tired after your trip, but very excited to explore your new surroundings; after a walk you slept for a very long time !! 
Beethoven – Has the vet met me yet, and how did that go? Tim – We’re going to the vet soon.. fingers crossed you like them!!
Beethoven – What rules have I broken or stretched? Tim – Hmm… well you are a very good dog on the whole – the one rule you stretch is trying to go on the sofa, you like the sofa ! 
Beethoven – What has surprised you about me? Tim – The thing that’s surprised me about you is that you’re so quiet ! 
Beethoven – What’s my favourite meal? Tim – Your favourite meal is chicken flavoured biscuits but we have to to mix it with a little wet food so you eat it.
APROP NH – What’s your favourite toy? Beethoven – So far I don’t seem too interested in toys but my master keeps trying. I do like to chew a bone once I’m encouraged to do so.
APROP NH – What’s your favourite game? Beethoven – My favourite game is trying to wrestle my master and sitting on him so he strokes me. I don’t like it when he stops stroking me. Grrr..
Beethoven – Where’s my favourite place to sleep? Tim – see below…

APROP NH – How many walks a day do you get? Beethoven – I get three walks a day, I love walkies !! I get really long walks when we have days off together.

APROP NH – Have they been able to source big & sturdy poo bags? Beethoven – Oh, they collect my poo in sturdy black bags – I don’t know why they are collecting it !! 
APROP NH – What do your friends and neighbours think of you? Beethoven – I’ve met some other people and they love me ! The lady that lives next door to me loves me and I really love her too !! 
APROP NH – Have you been to a pub garden yet? If so, please describe how that went? Beethoven –They haven’t taken me to a pub garden yet; maybe when the weather gets better! Hopefully soon … 

What a wonderful adoption tail to tell! Wishing you all a long, wonderful, happy life together.

Tune in, next time, for more stories brought to you by the APROP NewsHound!

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Natasha Cooper

