Conans corner

Adoptions update and interview with Gypsy

Welcome back dear readers, all the news and all the views (well, my views) from Cat HQ.
Nina and Peanut, our tuxedo kids, got their forever home last week, so great news for them.  Also, Tiger, who has literally been in the other garden pen a matter of days, attracted attention by being totally the image of me.  So, not surprisingly, he has also gone to a new home.  Finally, our baby Maria went to a home today – 4 in 2 weeks!  Is that some sort of record?
As usual though, in shelter life, it’s one step forward and two steps back as we have new arrivals.  Rosie and Bobbie – they looked bigger than me when they arrived but apparently, it’s mostly fluff.  Rosie is mainly white with some ginger and Bobbie is ginger with some white. News on them to follow from the slaves later.  Rosa and Santana have come in from foster care – Rosa is a tortie and Santana a tri-colour.  And Silver is a grey and white girl who I’m hoping I can entice to share my cushion as she looks so beautiful, I think I might have a bit of a crush.  Whenever I spot her through the fences, I come over all unnecessary and give myself a quick wash in case she’s looking back at me.  There’s life in the old cat yet!
Anyway, back to me.  And here’s my interview with Gypsy …
C – Hi Gypsy, how are things that side of the fence?
G – Hey Conan, pretty good – do you like our new sofa?
C – Indeed, why should you get the sofa and not me??
G – Just special, I guess.
C – But nobody is more special than me??!!
(Pause for extreme sulking and a restorative snack)
C – Anyway, this is meant to be an interview with you, how old are you Gyps and tell us more about yourself
G – Ooh you shouldn’t really ask a lady her age but I’m nearly 6.  I’m a tabby with no tail due to an unfortunate incident with a car before I came here
C – And what’s your favourite thing here in the shelter?
G – Well I like attention and being stroked, you should try being stroked too, you’re missing out
C – What?  You mean with their hands?  I don’t know where they’ve been!  Different people every day!! How often do they wash them eh?  As far as I’m concerned, hands are only appropriate for carrying food dishes and poop scoopers, not for touching me.  One word – boundaries !!
G – Calm down, you never let anybody near you anyway so you don’t have to worry
C – Phew, ok, so who’s your favourite slave er, I mean volunteer?
G – (‘whisper, whisper’)
C – REALLY ??!!  You’re a strange girl Gypsy …
Until next time lovely people.  Love and Paws, Conan x

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Sam Weller

Middle aged mad cat woman - slave of 4 rescue babies
