Conans corner

Conan’s Corner

Welcome back dear readers.   The sun is out, it’s really hot very early this year and I am shedding fur at an alarming rate!  Not that I let anybody brush me of course but it seems to fall off me naturally and gives the staff more work to do, sweeping it all up.   Can’t have them slacking.  Could I look any more magnificent?  I actually don’t think so.
A perfect vision of loveliness has moved into Garden Rosa – her name is Amba and I just cannot stop looking at her.  Of course she is far too young for me and, as we all know, these days it’s only window shopping as far as I’m concerned.  I’m getting on in years and things don’t work as they used to (I know all you guys can probably relate but Sam has just said that’s too much information and she’s going to censor my dictation).  However – Amba is just so pretty, so much so that I don’t know what colour to call her – she’s not one colour, she’s not tabby, she’s not tricolour – she’s a vision on an artist’s palette!  Anyway, I’m getting verbose so I will stop now.  If you come and visit, you will see her for yourselves.
Kittens continue to turn up – all tiny and squeaky!  No good to man nor beast really but the staff seem to go gaga over them all.  Really, I don’t see the POINT of a kitten as it just rolls around making a noise.  I prefer them a bit older when they can hold a reasonable conversation and listen to my wisdom.  Without interrupting.
I gather Bomber Command has issued a memo for more cuddlers.  I mean, not personally of course, don’t want you lot touching me, but the others quite seem to like it, am still amazed that Blondie and Tala have done a complete 180 as far as that’s concerned.  Anyway apparently it’s good for us to get brushed a lot all year round so what are you lot waiting for?  It should be an honour to be in the vicinity of me er, I mean us.
Until next time lovely people – love and paws Conan x
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Sam Weller

Middle aged mad cat woman - slave of 4 rescue babies
