Dog Kennel RefurbishmentDog Kennel Refurbishment - Project Updates

Dog kennel refurbishment – February update

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Time for our monthly update on the renovations at our shelter, APROP in Pego.

Its been a busy few weeks! Work commenced out the back of the shelter, taking down existing broken fences and building a new wall in its place.  With the help of some wonderful volunteers and the hard work of our builder, the walls were built in two weeks.  We also took the opportunity to build a wall on the back of Katy and Choco’s kennel, so this will provide more shade for them and protection from the rains, when they inevitably come!

To complete the job, we are putting fencing on top of the walls, so we have a nice and safe 2m high fence (you know how high Podencos can jump!!!)… Unfortunately our trusty and very old generator decided to fall off its fixings and hence could not be used … not so trusty I would say! … That resulted in a two-week delay to works.  But we took that time to have a good tidy up of the building rubble and earth that needed moving from the dogs garden areas, so they are ready for them once the fence is up next week… we are excited!

We are also working on the next stage of the refurbishment plans, currently considering moving our quarantine area to the back of the shelter, somewhere quieter and better for this important area of shelter-life. Once we are ready we will share our ideas, including our ideas for raising the funds to pay for it.  If you are wanting to help us raise the money for these works, please get in touch, we always love new fundraising ideas and people to join our ever growing team of generous and big-hearted volunteers.

Oh, and finally how can we forget… our project foreman, BIG RON has left the site! Maybe he had had enough of managing the building activity, or maybe he just knew that life in a real home with a real family was so much better for him.  We agree! Good luck Ron and thanks for your help, you will be missed by all of us.

So now … who will fill those big paws of Ron …. Ummm ..???? Let us see ….

Please share me:

Ruth Martin

I have been volunteering at APROP since April 2018. You will normally find me there on Tuesday mornings, helping to care for, clean and feed the dogs. In 2019 I adopted Barney, a Podenco from APROP. In fact I have taken a distinct liking to the Podencos and some call me the Pod-Mother! I am also part of the adoptions team the fundraising team and I help by fostering dogs too. Helping animals brings me much joy and happiness into my life.
