Dog Kennel RefurbishmentDog Kennel Refurbishment - Project Updates

Dog Kennel Refurbishment – April update

Planning, planning and more planning … that is what April has been about when it comes to our kennel refurbishment programme at APROP.

We have been meeting with architects and builders to discuss what is the best and most cost effective way to make sure the kennels provide a safe and weatherproof place for our wonderful dogs. What we have decided on, is that the next stage of the programme is to move our quarantine area to the back of the shelter. We will use the four kennels nearest to our back gate. This is ideal for quarantine, as its furthest away from our other residents and it will also provide new dogs with a quieter environment to adjust to being in the shelter.

Renovating the kennels at the back to make a new quarantine also means that we are then ready to move to the next phase of the programme. This will be renovating the main kennel block at the front. We can move all our dogs to the back of the shelter away from the building site that will be at the front!. We hope that work on the quarantine kennels will start in the first couple of weeks of May, we are excited!

With this in mind, we have set up a fundraiser to ask for help with the quarantine project. I think everyone that follows and supports us knows that we cannot achieve these things without financial help. We have a small army of volunteers giving their time for free to help care for the dogs and make projects like this happen, but without the money it cannot be done. Our target is to raise €5,000 during May, its a big ask we know …. this amount will contribute towards the overall costs of the quarantine.

So please donate if you can, share this post far and wide… we are so very grateful for your support.

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Ruth Martin

I have been volunteering at APROP since April 2018. You will normally find me there on Tuesday mornings, helping to care for, clean and feed the dogs. In 2019 I adopted Barney, a Podenco from APROP. In fact I have taken a distinct liking to the Podencos and some call me the Pod-Mother! I am also part of the adoptions team the fundraising team and I help by fostering dogs too. Helping animals brings me much joy and happiness into my life.
