Volunteer roles


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As non-profit, charitable association, fundraising is our lifeblood. Without our regular donors and sponsors and people who run fundraising events and campaigns for us, we would not be able to continue. Our fundraising activities span online campaigns and events as well as physical events and activities: for example, designing and selling merchandise, managing sponsorships or online campaigns, manning stalls at shops or events, organising or assisting at events, checking donation tins…….the possibilities are endless and only limited by imagination and what is legal!

There are many ways that you can help. Join our team of fundraisers and help us plan and co-ordinate different fundraising activities. Or maybe you prefer to help on an ad hoc basis, in which case if you have a good idea of how we can raise money, please let us know and we will support you. If you are not local but still want to be involved, online campaigns, managing our databases and or creating marketing support may be the way.

Tel/WhatsApp:  (+34) 611 08 50 24

Email: apropego@gmail.com

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