Volunteer roles

Odd jobs and maintenance

There are always maintenance and repair jobs that need doing at APROP. Dogs and cats can be very destructive and the most robust structures can be damaged when they put their minds and teeth or claws to it. The weather also plays a part – too much sun in the summer and too much wind and rain in the winter means that tarpaulins need to go up or down or drainage sorted out. And things just wear out – there are the day to day things when the tap springs a leak, or a bolt falls off a gate, or a new fence needs to be put up, or some tiles need replacing.

The other area of maintenance is the grounds – especially in the spring when the weeds need clearing regularly in the dog play areas. When the vegetation gets too tall it becomes a health hazard for dogs and people, particularly when it becomes infested with pests such as ticks.

If you are a bit handy and have some free time occasionally, we would love to hear from you.

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