DogDog health

Things to know about Kennel cough…

  • Kennel cough is an airway infection that causes a nasty cough in dogs. More severe cases can occasionally result in symptoms such as a high temperature or a reduced appetite.
  • Call your vet for advice if you think your dog has kennel cough. Most dogs improve on their own, but some need treatment from a vet.
  • Dogs with kennel cough should be kept away from other dogs and public spaces (while they are showing symptoms and for two to three weeks afterwards), as this is where spread is most common.
  • The best way to prevent kennel cough is to vaccinate against it, especially if your dog mixes with lots of other dogs or spends time in kennels.

Symptoms to watch out for

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Ruth Martin

I have been volunteering at APROP since April 2018. You will normally find me there on Tuesday mornings, helping to care for, clean and feed the dogs. In 2019 I adopted Barney, a Podenco from APROP. In fact I have taken a distinct liking to the Podencos and some call me the Pod-Mother! I am also part of the adoptions team the fundraising team and I help by fostering dogs too. Helping animals brings me much joy and happiness into my life.
